September 10, 2021
Dear Residents,
Summer is almost over and cooler weather has already started for the fall. As much as we would all like to be back to normal, Covid -19 is still around and we all need to work together and remain vigilant to keep everyone as safe as possible.
As traffic reaches pre-covid levels it is important for all road users to be aware of your surroundings, including pedestrians and cyclists. We all have a responsibility to try and keep our streets safe for everyone.
The Region has made some changes to the speed limits in school zones that front on to arterial roads. In Ward 4 the speed has been reduced to 40 km/hr by St Patricks School on Hwy 7.
Due to potential traffic operational and safety concerns, a third party consultant was hired to conduct an independent road safety audit along Hwy 7 between Main St and Albert St. Based on the review, the Region will be extending the raised concrete median along this corridor, tentatively scheduled for 2023. As an interim pilot measure, the Region will be installing flexible delineator bollards this fall.
As always feel free to reach out to my office for any additional information or on any issues that you require some help with. We will do our best to try and resolve.
Wishing you all a safe and healthy back to school year.
Karen |
Lobbyist Registry Motion
Councillor Reid moved and I seconded a motion at Council on July 13 to explore the establishment of a lobbyist registry in Markham.
In August, Councillor Reid and I had an opportunity to meet with a software vendor that has developed an online registry system, significantly reducing the potential cost of managing a registry and simplifying public access. This subject is not new and has been an ongoing "off and on" discussion since 2010 with no decision being made by Council. It is time for the City of Markham to join many other Municipalities in implementing a lobby registry, which is just an another step in being more accountable and transparent.
Community support for the motion would be welcome. You can register to make a deputation or send an email to clerkspublic@markham.ca.
Incoming Planning Applications
The following bi-monthly reports provides a summary of new planning applications that have been circulated for staff review.
Current Applications
Information on current planning applications can also be found on the ePLAN Public Search Portal - Under "Public Search" tab. This portal also shows building permits, violations, sign permits, and business licenses.
Markham Road - Mount Joy Secondary Plan Study
City staff will continue public consultation during the Fall and we hope to have participation and feedback from our residents.
Check YourVoice Markham for more information about this plan. I encourage all of you to participate in this public process on how Markham Rd will ultimately be built out. This section of Markham Rd will be intensified and you could see building heights up to 40 story's in some locations. You can watch the last meeting that was held on June 3, 2021 by following this link - Markham Road – Mount Joy Secondary Plan Study Public meeting video
Are you interested in knowing where your tax dollars are being spent and what capital projects are being proposed?
Our first meeting will take place on Friday, October 1, 2021 (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)
You are welcome to join any or all of the meetings.
Markham's Affordable and Rental Housing Strategy
On July 14, the City of Markham Council unanimously approved the Housing Choices: Markham’s Affordable and Rental Housing Strategy
Markham has selected five of these 35 actions for prioritization, to start within the next 12 months. These are to:
Develop an Inclusionary Zoning By-Law for major transit station areas
Review permission for additional residential units
Use public lands for affordable housing
Develop incentive package for affordable/supportive housing
Facilitate partnerships for affordable housing
Council meeting on July 14, 2021:
Comprehensive Zoning By-law
The City of Markham has undertaken a comprehensive review of its Zoning By-laws and existing zoning framework. It included proposed changes to our infill by-law along with accessory dwelling units, hard and soft landscaping, development standards, etc.
More public consultations dates will be announced to solicit feedback from the public, with a final recommendation report before the end of the year or early 2022.
16th Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation, Phase 2
Notice of Construction
York Region, Environmental Services will soon be working in our community, rehabilitating a 1.5 km section of the York Durham Sewage System that runs along 16th Avenue between west of Mingay Avenue to west of Williamson Road in the City of Markham.
Attached is the Notice of Construction regarding phase two of the project.
The project will begin in September / October and is scheduled to be finished in the fall 2023. Information about the 16th Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation project is on york.ca/waterconstruction.
For more information about the project, contact Vinor Servera, P.Eng., PMP, Project Manager Environmental Services, York Region at 1-877-464-9675 ext.75150 or vinor.servera@york.ca
Public Works/Construction - September 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021 |
LDD infestation - the problem is not over yet
From August to April, residents are encouraged to scrape any egg masses off of trees and place in a bucket of soapy water for a day or two before disposing them of. Do not scrape egg masses onto the ground; this does not kill the eggs and may improve survival.
The moths were very active this year depositing their eggs - each egg mass may contain
between 100 and 1000 eggs.
We need everyone’s help to try and
control the proliferation of LDD
It's very important that we remove the egg mass as much as we can. |
Egg Masses
The egg Masses are oval in shape and light brown or tan in colour.
It can also be found on exterior walls, steps, logs, etc. |
Temporary Depot Closure
Markham Village Depot is CLOSED until further notice for emergency repair.
Visit Milliken Mills Depot. Hours of operation have been temporarily extended. |
Please do not put garbage on our City Park's bins, as it attracts unwanted wildlife.
Not sure when the schedule of your Yard, Recycling and
Garbage collection are?
Set up personalized reminders so you never miss another collection day. Sign up at Collection Schedule or download the Access Markham mobile app.
Remember to have your material out at the curb by 7 AM on your pickup day or after 7 PM the night before. For your reference, see attached - Important notice - set up guidelines
We look forward to welcoming you back to select City of Markham recreational facilities starting September 13!
While things might look a little different, you can expect to see the same friendly faces and customer service from our staff.
As we reopen more programs in person, the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and participants continues to be our number one priority.
Starting September 22, all visitors to our recreational facilities who are age 12 years and older will be required to be fully vaccinated. Individuals are considered fully vaccinated after receiving the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine or combination of COVID-19 vaccines approved by the World Health Organization (e.g. two doses of a two-dose vaccine series, or one dose of a single-dose vaccine series, plus 14 days from last shot).
Proof of vaccination will be required at entry, along with photo ID (such as driver’s license or health card). You can download your vaccine receipt from the provincial booking portal or by calling the Provincial Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900. Exemptions will be permitted for unvaccinated individuals with medical exemptions or under 12 years of age.
Individuals who cannot receive the vaccine due to medical exemptions will be permitted entry with a doctor’s note until recognized medical exemptions can be integrated as part of a digital vaccine receipt.
An enhanced digital vaccine receipt that features a QR code will be available by the Province of Ontario as of October 22.
For more information about facility reopenings, COVID-19 health and safety protocols, dates and specific services and amenities available at the facilities, visit markham.ca/reopening.
To learn more about Ontario’s proof of vaccination program, please visit the provincial website for Frequently Asked Questions.
COVID-19 vaccination information can be accessed through York.ca or by calling Access York at 1.877.464.9675. Access York is available to receive calls 7 days a week between 8:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. The Health Information Line is 1.800.361.5653. |
Coyotes in Markham
Our Animal Services Officers continue to patrol areas where coyotes have been sighted and are educating residents on responsible pet ownership. They are also enforcing Bylaw 2018-91.
- Feeding wildlife will result in a $240.00 immediate fine.
- Dogs who are off-leash or on a leash longer than 6 ft will result in a $125.00 immediate fine.
City staff will be bringing back a further report for discussion related to Coyotes and I will provide an update once a date has been confirmed.
Our Animal Services Team continues to work closely with Coyote Watch Canada and Ministry of Natural Resources.
Residents are reminded to:
- NEVER feed wildlife including coyotes, or leave food outside. This can make them lose their fear of humans and can lead to dangerous interactions with people or pets which we have recently seen.
- NEVER approach or bait coyotes, and DO NOT approach a coyote den to take pictures
- Properly dispose of garbage and organics and keep them in secure bins or containers
- Keep a close eye on your pets when they are outside.
- If you see a coyote sighting please let the City know.
Learn more: markham.ca/wildlife
C o m m u n i t y N e w s |
Canada Day 2021
Thank you to our local residents for organizing such a great celebration on Canada Day, while respecting all covid-related health restrictions.
Well Done!

Terry Fox Run is Coming Soon - Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021
The Terry Fox Run has a rich history in Markham Unionville starting in 1982 with 100 participants. Over the years, the Markham Unionville participants have raised over a million dollars through the run. For the 41st anniversary of the Marathon of Hope, the local goal is to meet or exceed last year's total of over $66,000. As of Friday, Markham was at 84 participants and so far raised just under $20,000.
For 2021, the Terry Fox Run will once again be a virtual run. Registration is now open in both Markham-Unionville and Thornhill. If you have participated in past years, please consider doing so again this year and if you have never done a Terry Fox Run why not this year?
Volunteers are needed to help spread the word to get people to register and fundraise. Please follow/join the Markham-Unionville Terry Fox Run group on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram .
If you are interested in purchasing this year’s t-shirt or looking for a participant seal (for this year or previous) or volunteering, please contact us by email at TerryFoxMarkhamUnionville.
This year, I'm once again volunteering at McHappy Day event - stop by to say
Hello and support this great cause.
I will be at the McCowan/Hwy#7 location at noon. Hope to see you there! |
Markham Food Bank Needs our Help
The Markham Food Bank has seen a great increase in the number of families using the food bank during the pandemic. Help our community members in need during these challenging times.
Help to change the lives of homeless and at risk youth in York Region
Participate in the 50/50 lottery. In August, our lucky winner walked home with a jackpot prize of $3,750 Our September 50/50 is now LIVE!!! So don't forget to get your tickets... who knows you could be the next big winner.
September 50/50 - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021
If you have any municipal inquiry, please send an email to customerservice@markham.ca or call 905.477.5530. Our staff can investigate and address your concerns. |
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