April 20th, 2021
Dear Resident,
I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy. Covid19 numbers are increasing and further restrictions are in place - criteria for vaccinations change every few days, local hot spots and postal codes being used and depending on if you use the Provincial booking system or the Regional booking system, the age criteria may also be different. Whether you agree or not with the latest restrictions that have been implemented by the Province, it is up to all of us to do our part to stop the spread. The sooner we all comply, the sooner we can have some kind of normalcy again in our lives.
On a positive note the weather is getting warmer and will allow for more outdoor activities, once the pandemic is under control.
Last night, I held a community information meeting for the immediate residential neighbours of 144 Main St. (Village Lanes) so they could hear about the new development proposal. A second virtual meeting will be held next week on April 28th at 6pm, for the general public to attend. Further details are addressed later in this newsletter along with a link to register for the meeting.
Yesterday at Development Service Committee (DSC), we talked about the York Region (YR) proposed population, employment forecast and Lands Need Assessment to 2051. Basically, YR is saying that all the lands in the white belt, lands north of Major Mackenzie are needed for redevelopment. We will be holding an open house in May and reaching out to all stakeholders for their input.
At DSC, Regional Councillor Jim Jones and Councillor Khalid Usman tabled a motion to say NO to Hwy 413 - this will be debated on May 3rd - emails can be sent to clerkspublic@markham.ca with your comments.
Karen Rea
Ward 4 Councillor |
Ontario State of Emergency
On April 8, the City of Markham entered a third provincial State of Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order for at least 28 days and has recently been changed for an additional 2 weeks. These additional measures are being taken in response to the rapid increase in COVID-19 transmission, the threat on the Province's hospital system capacity and the increasing risks posed to the public by COVID-19 variants. The Province of Ontario’s COVID-19 response framework colour-coded zones) is paused during this time.
Covid-19 Vaccination Information
If you have any questions about vaccinations in York Region, please call Access York at 1-877-464-9675 or visit York Region - covid19 Vaccination clinics. Access York is available to receive calls 7 days a week between 8:30 am and 8 pm. The Health Information Line is 1-800-361-5653.
Volunteer Services for Seniors
A local group, PinkCars, has been established to help seniors register for vaccines and to drive them to and from vaccine appointments. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact PinkCars.
Volunteer drivers and financial support are also welcome.
Volunteer Markham provides essential services across York Region through the generous support of the UW GTA and in collaboration with Volunteer Toronto and Volunteer MBC.
Updates on Developments and Applications
- 10-20 Fincham Community Information Meeting -
New Date
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 -
Time: 6 pm to 8 pm
After a brief discussion at our February 22 DSC meeting, Council referred the item to the Markham Subcommittee for further consultation.
Markham Subcommittee meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, April 20.
If you wish to attend the meeting, please contact the Clerks department at clerkspublic@markham.ca to receive the zoom link. You can also join the meeting by calling the deputation line 905-479-7760 advising Clerks staff that you are interested in attending this meeting.
- Community Information Meeting - 144 Main St N application
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Time: 6 pm to 8 pm - Registration required. Please send us an email requesting the Zoom link
A virtual community information meeting to discuss the applications for the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by SmartCentres and Revera Inc. (Markham Main Street RR Inc) to permit a 6 storey retirement residence (7 storeys adjacent to Water Street).
The building proposes 308 units offering a continuum of care and range of suite sizes and care services. The proposal includes 162 parking spaces (120 underground). Access is provided primarily from Water St with a drop off from Main St N. Five of the heritage buildings are proposed to be retained as commercial uses with 12 Wilson Street being restored and incorporated into the retirement residence.
This meeting has been scheduled to provide residents with general information regarding the proposal prior to the statutory public meeting. Representatives of Markham Planning staff, the Consultant and I will be present at the meeting to answer questions and discuss next steps. Proposed preliminary drawings are attached.
We look forward to seeing you virtually at this meeting and to listen to your feedback.
2021 is another active year for the Gypsy Moth
Operations staff and the Contact Centre have been receiving a growing number of resident inquiries on the subject of Gypsy Moth infestations in Markham.
Following publication of the Region of York’s fall 2020 egg mass survey results, staff performed physical inspections by neighbourhood, reviewed resident feedback and then assessed the level or severity of egg mass populations across the City. Using the same approach that Operations are using for our Neighborhood Tree Maintenance program, Operations staff have ranked and prioritized neighborhoods and streets to focus our efforts of the “worst of the worst first.” Staff have identified approximately 18,000 city owned trees with egg mass accumulations in the second year of infestation for what has historically been a 7-9 year cycle with the last significant activity in the Province noted in 2014.
The City has deployed staff to the worst areas in priority order based on field observations. They have been using a backpack vacuum to remove the eggs from affected trees. The City is NOT applying any spray/pesticides.
The City encourages the residents to watch the video – Gypsy Moth in the City of Markham to learn about what the City has been doing and how the residents can take steps to remove egg masses from their own trees.
To learn more about Gypsy Moth, you can access the FAQ posted on the City’s portal page – Tree Care
April is Earth Month!
We are celebrating with a variety of
We encourage you to learn about climate change and the ways that you can take action to help protect the planet.
Celebrate Earth Month with us and take a stand to live a more sustainable lifestyle all year long.
Tree Preservation By-law
Property owners
must apply for a permit before injuring (injury mean pruning a tree to 30% of the crown or more) or destroying any tree in Markham with a diameter of 20+ cm or 8+ inches DBH (diameter at breast height), measured at 1.37 meters (54 inches) above the ground.
Hedges also require protection if 20+ DBH. It's important to maintain trees and hedges properly, recognizing the value they provide to multiple land owners and their value for wildlife.
Trees and hedges require pruning and maintenance, and if the tree or hedge is shared, residents should communicate with their neighbours and address the objectives of pruning before proceeding so both parties are on the same page.
The tree preservation bylaw exists to preserve significant trees on all properties within the City and to sustain Markham’s urban forest. Please see By-Law 2008-96 and the brochure Call Before Your Cut for further details. For additional information, visit Markham.ca/trees.
Anyone contravening the Tree Preservation By-law and found guilty of an offence will be subject to penalties.
Fallen Wood - Cycle of Life
Removal of tree debris of any kind from City-owned wood lots or naturalized areas is not allowed. Ecosystems depend on the natural breakdown of woody plant material to regenerate the soil, add nutrients, retain moisture, etc. This benefits the animal and plant kingdom in numerous ways and they depend on these for survival.
This is from our Forestry staff: "take a look at every tree we plant in the landscape and you will find at its base wood chip mulch (ground up tree pieces). There are many reasons for this, including contributing to the ecosystem of the soil and retaining moisture. The tree debris in our wooded areas does the exact same thing, while at the same time creating habitat opportunities of wildlife.
Take photos and leave only footprints.”
A community initiative by the Markham Environmental Sustainability Fund Program
The Sustainable Neighbourhood Small Grant is now accepting applications for resident-led sustainability projects within the City of Markham that promote education, understanding and participation in environmental sustainability.
It is a new funding program under the Markham Environmental Sustainability Fund Program and supports the City’s greenMarkham initiative.
Any Markham resident is welcome to apply, and we will do our best to make it as easy as possible. Apply for a grant up to $500.
Deadline: June 1, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST. |
Building or planning any renovations this season?
You might need a permit!
Spring is here and we will start seeing lots of home renovations. Remember that you need a building permit before starting any construction, demolition or renovation project. A permit may be required whether the work is on the interior or the exterior of the building or dwelling.
Some common projects that require a permit are concrete porches, installing a basement entrance, finishing basements, removing an interior wall, plumbing and electrical work, and a garden shed larger than 100 square feet.
If your project involves landscaping and/or pool installation remember that construction material and machinery cannot be left on the road without a road occupancy permit (ROP). Please ensure that your contractor cleans up any mess made on any city roads or sidewalks. The cutting of any stones/pavers or concrete are to be done with a wet saw to avoid dust - By-law 2018-77
Check the rules on encroachment, the city owns part of your front yard. Curbs cannot be cut or altered without permission and ditches are not to be removed or filled in. Please review the By-law guide for homeowners for further details.
Please call before starting any project to make sure you are complying with city zoning bylaws and building code requirements. For further information or advice on whether your project requires a permit, please visit our portal - Building Permit
- Provincial Building Code
- City Building Permit Guide |
Rooming Houses & STA are illegal - Report them!
Definition of Rooming House & Short-Term Accommodation
Under By-law 2018-53 Rooming House is defined as a building where 3 or more lodging rooms are provided in return for remuneration or services (or both) and where lodging rooms do not contain both bathroom and cooking facilities for the exclusive use of individual occupants, but does not include a residential use with support services.
Under By-law 2018-56 Short-Term Rental Accommodation is defined as an establishment that operates as or offers a place of temporary residence, lodging or occupancy by way of concession, permit, lease, license, rental agreement or similar commercial arrangement for overnight accommodation, for one or more periods of less than 30 consecutive days, and shall not include a bed and breakfast.
MUP - Multi-Use Pathways - Markham Trails
Please be considerate when parking around the MUP and remember to use the parking lot at McCowan Road, open daily. The parking lot is right beside the trails.
It's imperative to respect the parking rules for the safety of the local residents, as well as to make sure our first responders and Miller waste trucks have full access to the local roads. Some drivers are parking on private property and ignoring signage. Our bylaw officers are going to be out regularly to enforce parking restrictions. Parking closer than 9 m to an intersection is also against the highway traffic act and you can be ticketed. Drivers Handbook
Another reminder that the MUP is for everyone to enjoy – Cyclists need to SLOW DOWN, this is not a cycle path only. Remember that you are sharing the pathway with pedestrians, including many seniors and children. Our bridges are narrow and pedestrians have the right of way, always.
According to the Highway Traffic Act, every bicycle “shall be equipped with an alarm bell, gong or horn, which shall be kept in good working order and sounded whenever it is reasonably necessary to notify pedestrians or others of its approach.”
Be polite, be respectful and let us all enjoy the MUP safely. |
Park in Ward 4 - Update
Roy Ramer Park (Formerly Wismer McCowan Woodlot Park)
The park is anticipated to be completed by early Q4 2021 (weather and covid pending.)
In addition to the playground area, the City is adding 2 tennis courts, one of them will include pickleball lines.
The park layout plan and images of the play elements at Roy Ramer can be viewed on my portal page, under the City's Project and Development Applications tab.
Rats Infestation
Rats nest in the garden, often they will build nests under the decks, foundations of sheds, green houses or garages. Brown rats in particular will dig
rat holes in overgrown areas of a garden to create
rat burrows where they will nest, store food and raise young rats.
If you have a composting area in the garden, this can be a source of food for rodents. Along with any rubbish in bins rodents might be able to access. Berries, seeds and plants from the garden or surrounding areas will also sustain them. We do not encourage anyone to use a composter in Markham and must only be used for yard waste. All food waste should be put in to your green bin, along with dropped fruit from any trees.
Rats are nocturnal and most active at dusk and dawn as they set out to forage and return. Surprisingly, some residents are seeing rats even during the day.
See attached information about Rodent Infestation (from YR) and Backyard Composters and Bird Feeders
In order to reduce risks to humans, it's very important that we do not leave food or household garbage outdoors, nor in City’s parks, outside the provided garbage cans.
Rats and wildlife are attracted to our environment if food source is available.
Community Announcements
- A message from MDHS School Council
We would like to share with our community the list of the safety initiative accomplishments over the past five years. These accomplishments help make the school and surrounding areas in the community safer, not only for MDHS students but also for the residents.
The goal of the school council's safety initiative was to develop and implement a proactive, comprehensive and holistic framework that addresses the commuting safety of students while taking into consideration built-form, environmental and healthy living concerns.
Our objectives included improving sidewalk and walkway safety, improving transportation flows, reducing and improving traffic on Church Street, and providing viable environmental and healthy transit alternatives.
A summary of the outcomes from our work over the past five years includes:
1- Installation of All-Way stop at the intersection of Elm Street & Church Street to facilitate safer crossing
2- "No Stopping" signs installed on Russell Stover Court
3- Completing a York Region Transit Ridership Survey with students that was shared with YRT
4- Garbage pick-up time changed to not interfere with morning school start time
5- WSP Neighbourhood Traffic Operations Review Study completed
6- New dedicated exit in MDHS west parking lot created
7- Developed and implemented standing safety blitzes which raised awareness of school safety initiative
8- Invited Mayor and YRDSB to observe safety concerns at school and raise community awareness through local media
Peter Triantafillakis
MDHS School Council Chair
Good News in Markham from Markham Aquatic Club!
Eight Markham swimmers will be competing at Olympic Trials this Spring.
MAC is the only swim club in York Region fielding swimmers at this event.
See attached their press release along with the athlete photos included.
Congrats to all of you and ALL THE BEST!

Markham Food Bank Needs our Help
The Markham Food Bank has seen a 38% increase in the number of families using the food bank during the pandemic. Help our community members in need during these challenging times.
Help to change the lives of homeless and at risk youth in York Region.
The City of Markham EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS page has a source of information to help you prepare and plan for emergencies. Emergencies happen.
Are you ready?
If you have any municipal inquiry, please send an email to customerservice@markham.ca or call 905.477.5530. Our staff can investigate and address your concerns.
The after-hour’s line, monitored by Parking Staff, can be accessed by residents at 905-477-7000 ext. 2050. You can leave a message regarding illegal parking after hours.
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