Dear Residents,
Spring is around the corner and I'm sure we are all looking forward to warmer weather. As the weather gets warmer, more people will be enjoying our trails on the multi-use pathways (MUP). Please be considerate when parking around the MUP and remember to use the parking lot at McCowan Road. It's imperative to respect the parking rules for the safety of the local residents, as well as to make sure our first responders and Miller waste trucks have full access to the local roads.
Many of you are wondering and asking why the recreational facilities are still closed in Markham. The logistics involved in reopening facilities are a complex and expensive process. We have three ice pads that will be made available to sports clubs for training purposes, which will open shortly and the Pan Am Pool for elite and amateur training purposes only. We need to have a more stable number of covid19 infection cases in our community and confidence that once we open, the facilities will stay open. Senior staff are re-evaluating the decision every two weeks and understand that the community is anxious to be back to their activities as soon as it's safe.
I have been receiving numerous inquiries about the vaccination plan in Markham. York Region Public Health has been working with Markham Stouffville Hospital and other hospitals in the Region to vaccinate eligible York Region residents, in alignment with the Province’s three-phased plan. The municipalities have no roles or responsibilities during vaccinations. The City of Markham is providing non-clinical support to York Region. |
Covid-19 Vaccination Information
The Cornell Community Centre vaccine clinic has transitioned to the Provincial booking system, as of Monday March 15. This will NOT impact the registration process currently for Cornell Community Centre.
Residents will still go to York Region - covid19 Vaccination clinics to book their appointment at Cornell Community Centre or call 1-888-999-6488. Once the mass vaccination site opens at Aaniin Community Centre, residents will also go to YR site to register.
Appointments available are for residents 80+. Once we move to other age groups, the process will remain the same.
If you have any further questions about appointments, please call Access York at 1-877-464-9675 or visit York Region - covid19 Vaccination clinics. Access York is available to receive calls 7 days a week between 8:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. The Health Information Line is 1-800-361-5653.
Volunteer Services for Seniors
A local group, PinkCars, has been established to help seniors register for vaccines and to drive them to and from vaccine appointments. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact PinkCars.
Volunteer drivers are also welcome.
Volunteer Markham provides essential services across York Region through the generous support of the UW GTA and in collaboration with Volunteer Toronto and Volunteer MBC.
The pandemic has presented particular challenges to many volunteer groups. With the support of the United Way, Volunteer Markham and its partners are here to help. Please read their latest newsletter thoroughly as it provides essential information for our community.
Thank You to All Volunteers! We truly appreciate your dedication. Karen Rea |
Markham Heritage Area
Under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act, Markham has protected four areas as heritage conservation districts: Thornhill, Markham Village, Buttonville and Unionville. A heritage conservation district is:
- A collection or grouping of buildings, streets and open spaces that together are of cultural heritage value to our community.
- An area with a special character with an integrity of its own that distinguishes it from other areas of the community
- A defined boundary where all properties are protected from inappropriate changes through the use of policies and design guidelines.
You can check the map for Markham Village Heritage Conservation District to see if your property is in the District. If you own a property in the Heritage District, you MUST apply for a heritage permit when making any changes to the exterior of your property including but not limited to; painting, windows, fencing and signage.
Upcoming Community Meetings & Development Applications
- 10-20 Fincham Avenue - New meeting on April 7
Thank you to all of you who provided your feedback on the applications submitted by 10-20 Fincham Inc. at the Development Services Committee (DSC) meeting on February 22.
After a brief discussion at the DSC and considering the feedback received, Council referred the item to the Markham Subcommittee for further consultation.
The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7 at 6 pm. We want you to participate in this discussion and express your opinion.
Application submitted by 10-20 Fincham Inc. is to permit a total of seventeen units: seven townhouse and eight semi-dwellings within a common element condominium and a semi-detached house on Fincham Ave (see site plan attached).
- Staff recommendation report - February 22, 2021
- Preliminary report - February 25, 2019
If you wish to attend the meeting please contact the Clerks department at clerkspublic@markham.ca to receive the zoom link to the meeting and instructions. You can also join the meeting by phone - please call the deputation line 905-479-7760 advising Clerks staff that you are interested in attending this meeting. Staff will take your information and contact you closer to the meeting date with credentials to access the meeting.
- 144 Main Street - SmartCentre/Revera
Community meetings will be held in April - details to follow
Proposed Retirement Residence
- 10537 Kennedy Road
Notice of Public Meeting - March 23, 2021 at 7 pm by the Development Services Committee of the City of Markham to consider Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Kennedy MM Markham Ltd. for the lands known municipally as 10537 Kennedy Road.
See attached notice. |
York Region - Proposed 2051 Forecast and Land Needs Assessment
York Region has released their draft 2051 forecasts for discussion at a Special Regional Council Meeting on March 18, 2021 at 9 am. The forecasts are part of the Region’s ongoing municipal comprehensive review and Official Plan Update. A link to the full report is provided here.
Highlights include:
- 2051 population for Markham = 619,200; representing growth of 280,100 between 2016 and 2051
- Intensification rate for Markham: 52% (Region-wide rate= 50%)
- Intensification Units for Markham: 50,300 (2016-2051)
- Designated Greenfield Area (DGA) target for Markham: min 70 pop+jobs/ha (Region-wide target = 60 pop+jobs/ha)
- All of Markham’s whitebelt/Countryside lands (1490 ha/3680 ac) are needed to accommodate 2051 growth (1270 ha for neighbourhood lands/220 ha for employment lands)
- The proposed additional employment lands are east of Warden Ave adjacent to current FUA (MIX) employment lands (see map in Attachment 4 to the report)
- 2051 Employment = 309,200; representing growth of 127,200 between 2016 and 2051
- Phasing policies will need to be developed given the magnitude of urban expansion lands Region-wide, the required supporting infrastructure to be delivered, and the 30 year time period
- Report recommendation is for Regional staff to consult on the draft forecasts.
Markham staff will be preparing a report to Development Services Committee in April, providing more detail on the forecasts and recommendations for consultation. |
Short Term Rental Accommodations
In May 2018, Markham City Council amended a series of Zoning By-Laws to define and effectively prohibit short-term rental accommodations within the City. Along with those amendments, in June 2018, Council passed a Public Nuisance By-law, which provides police and Markham By-law Enforcement Officers with additional enforcement options to address the negative impacts on neighbourhoods associated with some short-term rental accommodation operations (i.e. noise, littering, loitering, disorderly conduct).
Rooming Houses
Rooming houses are not a permitted use as of right, within our zoning by-law. Many residents are aware of the challenges that property owners and the City had in dealing with some illegal rooming houses last year through a number of sub-leases. Our Fire department has a new process in place to deal with rooming houses more swiftly, once we have confirmed the illegal use. |
Your Markham Centre - We’re updating the Markham Centre Secondary Plan |
Check out Your Voice Markham to access the Unionville Sub-Committee presentations from October to December, 2020. These concept drawings were submitted by the property owners and do not necessarily represent what is or would be allowed. They are concept plans only and have not been approved and applications have not been submitted.
Landowners Engagement Dec 10 2020
Landowners Engagement Dec 14 2020
There are a number of presentations under Dec 14, due to the size they are listed individually. |
Your Markham Centre: Visioning Workshop
Waste Management Information
Yard waste curb pick-up resumes on the 3rd week of April.
NOTE: The City of Markham and many large Ontario municipalities do not collect grass clippings in curbside yard waste collection programs.
To manage yard waste, we encourage all residents to practice grass cycling when possible, as it offers many soil benefits.
Yard waste depot - Bloomington Yard Waste Depot, which is owned and operated by Miller Waste, charges a $10 minimum charge for up to 1 cubic yard of yard waste, and for any larger loads the $65/tonne fee is charged.
Although it is not a Region-owned public drop off depot, prior to July 2, 2020, Miller Waste Bloomington Yard Waste Depot offered public drop off for yard waste at cost to the Region. The public drop off depot at the Bloomington Yard Waste facility is a supplementary service offered in addition to curbside collection of yard waste, and there are operating costs associated with this supplementary service. York Regional Council, as part of the 2020 budget submission, agreed to discontinue the subsidized drop off service for residential yard waste at this location as an adjustment to reduce operating costs.
CURBSIDE COLLECTION GUIDELINES - Please follow Markham’s waste policies to ensure your recycling and waste materials are collected every week. These simple guidelines will help reduce contamination, wind-blow litter and illegal dumping. |
It's Coyote mating Season
Our office has been receiving calls from residents concerned about sightseeing coyotes, in the area surrounding the Markham District High School. Our officers are patrolling the area surrounding MDHS for any concerns regarding the coyotes in the area.
Here is some important information from our Animal Care Supervisor, Christy Lehman:
Coyotes do not travel in large packs, but stay with their own smaller family, which means if there are coyotes in the area, it would not be a large group, but rather just one family, mother, father and offspring or soon to be offspring, as it is mating season. Coyotes are naturally curious, which is why they will watch you, or follow you--this can be misinterpreted as "stalking". I can assure you they are far more scared of you than you are of them, but again are curious as to what you are. This can be quite alarming to residents and their pets.
If you happen to encounter a coyote, do not run or turn your back on it, keep eye contact, act BIG and shout and scream. Additional tips include carrying an umbrella while on a walk and open and close it several times to scare it away, throw small rocks around the area, not at the coyote, but in its direction, which will scare it away, or carry a whistle and blow it to scare it away.
If you are walking a dog, I cannot stress this enough, it is extremely important to keep your dog on a leash at all times, and I suggest one that is no longer than 6 feet in length. If your dog is off leash, it can be seen as a threat to the coyote, which may cause the coyote to warn your dog as it is a threat to its family.
We have a partnership with Coyote Watch Canada and they have several excellent resources of information for you to utilize, including a training module on coyotes.

It's very important that we do not leave food or household garbage on City’s parks and outside the provided garbage cans, in order to reduce risks to humans. Coyotes and wildlife are attracted to our environment if food source is available.
Got a great business idea?
Are you 15-29 years old?
💡Apply to Summer Company & get up to $3K in funding!
💡Pitch your best business idea for your chance to WIN of up to $500!
Apply early: markham.ca/msbc Spots are limited!
#MarkhamBusiness #MarkhamYouth |
Markham Food Bank Needs our Help
The Markham Food Bank has seen a 38% increase in the number of families using the food bank during the pandemic. Help our community members in need during these challenging times.
Help to change the lives of homeless and at risk youth in York Region.
Keep Your Community Fire Safe
Did you know? Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years. Check the date and test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms monthly. They could save your life!
The City of Markham EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS page has a source of information to help you prepare and plan for emergencies. Emergencies happen.
Are you ready?
If you have any municipal inquiry, please send an email to customerservice@markham.ca or call 905.477.5530. Our staff can investigate and address your concerns. |
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